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- Short: Insomnia 2 - Scene diskmag, works on any Amiga with 2mb (OCS/ECS/AGA)
- Author: LOOKER HOUSE(LKR) in association with TRISTAR & RED SECTOR (TRSI)
- Uploader: goa@ropnet.ru
- Type: demo/mags
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- * I N S O M N I A *
- was sculptured for you by Looker House
- in association with Tristar & Red Sector
- - ÷ -
- code - juggler/lkr
- graphics - dmd!/lkr
- additional gfx - optic/trsi & alive/nah
- title picture - made/bomb & scoopex
- design & managment - gdm/lkr
- main editor - shade/trsi
- co-editor - bytebreaker/lkr
- co-editor - excel/blc
- news editor - grey/crux
- music
- -
- jazz nights by prodigy/oops! (1st tune)
- love fools by ganja/nerve axis (2nd tune)
- mosquito dance by melomaniac (3d tune)
- jokuvitunpiise by muffler/haujobb & dcs (4th tune)
- spring love by xhale/dcs (5th tune)
- insomnia 2 by tangerine/looker house (6th tune)
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- - ÷ -
- mag was tested on:
- amiga 1200
- amiga 1200 + 4mb fast ram
- amiga 1200 + 8mb fast ram + 68030/50mhz
- amiga 1200 + 16mb fast ram + 68040/50mhz
- it works fine on 3.0 and 3.1 with aga chipset
- it should work on 2.04 also, but graphics/palletes will be weird
- you'll not able to see title pictures on ocs/ecs
- if you have olny 2mb memory and have problems with music, unpack/overwrite
- modules (insomnia2/data/#?.tp3) with stonecracker cruncher
- or with xfd decrucher
- - ÷ -
- compiled 13'february'f98 22:33
- - ÷ -
- we're in lkr send sweets to our real friends in :
- 1oo%, abyss, ambrosia, artificial people, artwork, balance, bomb,
- c-lous, darkage, dcs, drifters, impulse, iris, ghd, gods, led, mono,
- phase d, sardonyx, scoopex, session, subspace, tbl, trsi, venture
- contact looker house at
- goa@ropnet.ru
- - ÷ -
- Insomnia - is a disk-magazine presented to you by
- - Looker House -
- in association with
- - Tri Star & Red Sector -
- Insomnia - is ultimate thing to read, done by sceners for sceners
- contact Insomnia staff at
- goa@ropnet.ru (gdm - magazine's manager)
- shade@trsi.de (shade - magazine's main editor)
- udma@rz.unikarlsruhe.de - (byte breaker - magazine's co-editor)
- excelblc@hem.passagen.se (excel - magazine's co-editor)
- grey@gmx.net (grey - news editor)
- juggler@redline.ru (juggler - magazine coder)
- - ÷ -
- Moscow (c) 1998
- Russia - Norway - Sweden - Germany - Belgium - 1998